Thursday, May 10, 2012

TerraGo® Technologies Releases PublisherTM for ArcGIS® v.6 memampukan integrasi peta dan citra dengan GeoPDF

TerraGo® Technologies Releases PublisherTM for ArcGIS® v.6 memampukan integrasi peta dan citra dengan GeoPDF

TerraGo® PublisherTM for ArcGIS® membantu pengguna software-ssoftware atau produk ESRI meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam pertukaran dan explotasi data geospasial mereka dengan hasil atau produk data geospasial portable, pintar dan interaktif dengan TerraGo GeoPDF® maps and imagery. TerraGo GeoPDF maps and imagery dengan mudah mengintegrasikan alur kerja ArcGIS dan mempertajam efektifitas, efisiensi, produktifitas dan responsif dari pengorganisasian data geospasial.

Lebih detail bisa baca di:

TerraGo Toolbar v.6! To download, please click here.
Gambar 1. Preview hasil TerraGo

Product Sheet - TerraGo Publisher for ArcGIS
TerraGo Publisher for ArcGIS enables organizations to produce GeoPDF maps and imagery to optimize and deliver complex images for mobile and field workers who then are able to update and share mission-critical geospatial intelligence whether connected or offline.

Key Benefits of TerraGo Publisher for ArcGIS

  • One click exports map layout to a GeoPDF file
  • Automatically embeds projection coordinate systems within the PDF
  • Maintains layers within the PDF
  • Enables attribute search within a single map or across a set of maps with Acrobat Object Data
  • Gives map users the ability to find and zoom to attribute data
  • Allows map users to measure distance and bearing
  • Available for ArcGIS 9.3 - 10.0

Best Regards,
Aji PP